We are amidst a period marked by rapid innovation and transformative change. Custom Software Development Service companies require their processes to be concise, fast, and responsive to customer needs and build digital products at a pace that meets the demands of customers. Agile software development has become a favored approach for companies seeking to meet customer demands with their software solutions and digital products.
What is SDLC?
The software development lifecycle (SDLC) is how development teams make good software in a smart and cost-effective way. It’s all about planning well to reduce risks and make sure the software meets what customers want, from making it to after it’s released. This method breaks down making software into smaller, doable parts, making it easier to do, finish, and check.
What is agile software development methodology
Agile, a project management method from 2001, values individuals and interactions over processes and tools, as outline in the Agile Manifesto (The Agile Manifesto is a foundational document for Agile software development, created in 2001 by a group of software developers consist of four core values and twelve principles. Agile development emphasizes people, communication, and flexibility in creating software, prioritizing customer input and adaptability, especially for complex projects.
Agile development can be broken down into three main stages: Preparation, Sprint Planning, and Sprint (A sprint in Agile is a focused, time-bound period where a team works on specific tasks to deliver a usable product increment, usually lasting 1-4 weeks).
- Preparation:
- The product owner compiles a backlog of desired features, known as the product backlog.
- The development team estimates the time required for each feature.
- Sprint Planning:
- In this meeting, the team selects features from the product backlog to work on during the sprint.
- They determine the number of tasks for each category (e.g., coding, testing, documentation) to complete within the sprint and record this in the sprint backlog.
- Sprint:
- Throughout the sprint’s duration (typically two weeks), the team works on tasks from the sprint backlog.
- They may encounter new issues, which they prioritize and add to the product backlog.
- By the sprint’s end, the team aims to complete all tasks from the sprint backlog.
If any tasks remain unfinished, they carry over to the next sprint. A sprint review meeting follows, where completed features are demonstrated to the product owner and stakeholders. This meeting also includes discussions on what worked well and areas for improvement.
Agile software development best practices
1.Understand the Agile Manifesto thoroughly.
As you delve into Agile, you’ll encounter the Agile Manifesto. It articulates four core values guiding Agile development:
- Value human connections and teamwork over strict protocols and specialized tools.
- Value working software over comprehensive documentation.
- Favor customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
- Embrace responding to change over following a plan.
These values, though seemingly straightforward, are essential for Agile teams to embrace in practice. Alongside these values, the manifesto also lays out 12 guiding principles for Agile teams, emphasizing customer satisfaction, adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement.
2.Hold Daily Meetings.
You’ll notice that one of the principles suggested that people, whether developers or other project team members need to work together every day throughout the project.
It may look obvious but easy to prove. But do your team members really work together every day? Or do they simultaneously work only on joint projects – without necessarily communicating and collaborating?
Agile is not about labeling a group a “team” just because they are assigned to the same project. To implement agile software effectively, you must schedule a daily meeting (usually 15 minutes) to identify issues and work on solutions. This type of meeting is called a “daily standup” and is one of many Agile meetings.
3.Share Progress in Sprint Reviews
Ensure differentiation between the Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective, as they serve distinct purposes.
Schedule the sprint review for the final day of the sprint, preceding the retrospective. Maintain a sole focus on the work during this review, encompassing presenting the build, collecting product feedback, updating the product backlog, and planning for the next sprint.
Avoid addressing team culture or systems during the review; those discussions occur during the retrospective.
4.Collaborate Closely with Customers.
The main principle of agile development is customer satisfaction. Communicaiton is essential. Agile software does not collect customer wishes and expectations. and implement them months later. During this time, there is no communication, only silence. Agile frequently involves sharing your progress with customers, enabling real-time feedback collection to ensure software aligns well with their needs, even surpassing expectations.
5.Engage Closely with Customer
Agile development prioritizes customer satisfaction as its top priority. Communication is essential; it’s hard to manage without it.
Agile software does not collect customer wishes and expectations and implement them months later. At this moment, the only thing we receive is silence—total radio silence. Agile regularly shares your work with your customers so you can gather feedback in real time and build software that meets (or exceeds) their expectations.
6.Prioritize Backlogged Item
In Agile, the product backlog serves as the master task list, outlining the tasks required for building or enhancing the product. It’s dynamic, with priorities subject to change.
During routine sprint reviews, the product backlog is updated to ensure alignment and keep the team focused on current tasks.
Implementing the right methodology in software development requires the appropriate skill set and resources to effectively manage projects.
Opting for Agile software development offers several advantages, including quicker return on investment (ROI), enhanced deliverable quality, and better adaptability to changing customer requirements. Moreover, Agile facilitates early detection and correction of project faults, leading to time and cost savings. These points underscore Agile’s effectiveness in mitigating project defects and failures.
For more insights on selecting the best project management method, comparing waterfall vs. Agile, and optimizing Agile meetings, check out our blog post on the topic : click here