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Case study: Automated cloud data engineering with ETL, data migration, and AI integration for enhanced business intelligence.

Automated cloud data engineering with ETL, data migration, and AI integration for enhanced business intelligence.

Case study: Automated cloud data engineering with ETL, data migration, and AI integration for enhanced business intelligence.


Use case 1: ETL Processes Over the Cloud:

  1. Accounts and Tools:

In automated data pipeline architecture, we utilized two distinct accounts: the Data Account and the Application Account. The Data Account was allocated access to AWS services primarily associated with data storage units, such as S3 buckets. These buckets facilitated the transmission of data to and from the Application Account. Within the Application Account, various applications or services, including Glue and Lambda, were deployed to manipulate the data, generate issue tickets, or provide notifications regarding ongoing processes.

In terms of infrastructure management and source code deployment, we relied on Terraform, which served as the backbone of our setup. Terraform was responsible for orchestrating infrastructure resources and deploying source code across the architecture. Additionally, the implementation of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes was carried out using GitLab. GitLab facilitated the automation of code testing, integration, and deployment workflows throughout the development lifecycle.


Our experienced team understood their vast and complex infrastructure to tailor the services and strategies to be applied to their infrastructure.

  • Understanding the multi-account configuration: 10-15 days (about 2 weeks)
  • Cloud Deployments: 2 months
  • Cost Optimization: 2 months

2. Legacy Flow Setup:

2.1. Data Synchronization (Data Sync):

The source data originally resided on-premises and needed to be transferred to S3 for subsequent ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to extract the required information through queries. However, it was imperative to ensure that incoming data to our servers remained synchronized to prevent any loss or leakage, which could be detrimental in an industrial context. Therefore, a robust data synchronization process was implemented to maintain this synchronization, providing a critical advantage by ensuring that our data remained consistent across the various data repositories and buckets required for the ETL processes.

The data synchronization process involved collecting data from on-premises servers, specifically from Mainframe and Informatica systems. This data was then transferred to our servers, where synchronization occurred between the Mainframe, Informatica, and our internal server systems. This ensured that the data remained consistent and up to date across all platforms, facilitating seamless data transfer and processing.

Several common tools were employed to facilitate this synchronization process, including AWS CloudWatch, AWS EventBridge, Lambda functions (specifically, those responsible for handling ETL success/failure events – named tui-etl-successfailevent-sns-{env}), SNS (Simple Notification Service), SNS Topics, and Service now for ticketing solution. These tools collectively enabled real-time monitoring, event-driven synchronization, and notification mechanisms to ensure the smooth operation of the data synchronization process and prompt resolution of any issues that arose.

2.2. The Processing layers:

Processing in the automated environment happened in 3 layers namely landing layer, raw layer, and conformed layer

2.2.1. Landing Layer:

Services used: S3 bucket (grp2-landing/tui/legacy), SQS, lambda (tui-copyprefix-lambda-{env}), and Glue (tui-copy-glue1).


a. The data on sync was in raw format and no process can be done on it.

b. The raw data files in JSON format will be moved to the S3 bucket which we call as landing bucket

c. When files were entered into the bucket, SQS services had same number of messages as the number of files entered the bucket.

d. Each SQS message triggered the same lambda function, which initiated Glue job 1.

e. Glue job 1 was responsible for fetching data from the landing bucket and copying it with respective prefixes into the legacy bucket, storing it in parquet format.

f. CloudWatch and EventBridge were employed to monitor the status of the Lambda and Glue processes, whether they were working or not upon being triggered.

2.2.2 Raw Layer:

Services Used: S3 bucket (grp2-raw/tui/legacy/temp), S3 bucket (ingest-scripts), Glue (glue-2-{env}), Lambda (tui-cleanprefix-lambda-{env})


 At a specific time on the selected day (12 PM Friday), Glue Job 2 was scheduled to run, with the necessary scripts for the job located inside the Application Account S3 bucket.

a.  Glue Job 2 was tasked with extracting parquet files from the legacy buckets, transforming and classifying them into categories of secured and legacy, and subsequently storing them into the respective buckets within the conformed layer.

b.  The state of Glue Job 2 was monitored using the same CloudWatch and EventBridge infrastructure.

c. Upon successful completion of Glue Job 2, another lambda function (tui-cleanprefix-lambda-{env}) was triggered. This lambda function was responsible for deleting the files under the raw layer within the temp folder.

d. Concurrently, another lambda function was triggered immediately after the successful completion of Glue Job 2. Further details about this lambda function will be provided in the subsequent section.

2.2.3 Conformed Layer:

Services Used: S3 buckets (grp2-raw-tui-legacy and grp2-raw-tui-secured), S3 bucket folders (grp2-confirmed-tui/legacy and grp2-confirmed-tui/legacy/secured), Glue (glue job 3 raw-to-confirmed-{env}), Lambda (tui-glue-optimization-job-trigger-lambda-{env})

  • Steps:

a. After the successful completion of Glue Job 2, the lambda function in this layer, specifically tui-glue-optimization-job-trigger-lambda-{env}, was triggered, initiating Glue Job 3.

b. Glue Job 3 (tui-etl-glue3-raw-to-confirmed-{env}) commenced its execution, tasked with placing the parquet files into respective folders based on whether they were classified as legacy or secured files. Additionally, Glue Job 3 conducted the ETL process and prepared the Glue table for further analysis.

c. Once the Glue table was prepared, it became accessible for querying using AWS Athena.

2.2.4 What if a glue job fails?

a. In the event of a failure in any Glue job, the entire automation process becomes ineffective. Hence, all jobs are diligently monitored using common tools.

b. When a job is initiated, comprehensive logs are generated in AWS CloudWatch, capturing details of its execution status and any associated issues, such as file or script errors.

c. EventBridge is configured to capture the state change of glue job and trigger a designated lambda function (tui-etl-successfailevent-sns-{env}). This lambda function is designed to send out email notifications through AWS SNS in case of successful job execution.

d. However, if a job encounters a failure during execution, the lambda function swiftly responds by raising a ticket to alert the technical team for further investigation and resolution. This ensures that any issues disrupting the automated workflow are promptly addressed, maintaining the reliability and effectiveness of the data pipeline automation.

3. Legacy Support Flow Setup

What if we get a failover in the workflow? This question should arise as no system is cent percent failproof. So, we need to have a setup that if a failure is seen at least some manual triggers can come handy. 

3.1 Manual operations in each Processing Layers

Like the Legacy flow setup Legacy Support flow also has three layers namely landing layer, raw layer & conformed layer. 

Services Used: Amazon CloudWatch, Lambda (tui-etl-successfailevent-sns-{env}), Amazon SNS, SNS Topic, Amazon EventWatch.

3.1.1. Landing Layer:

Services Used: S3 bucket (landing bucket), Glue1 (tui-copyprefix-glue1-{env}), lambda (tui-copygluetrigger-support-{env}), lambda (cleanup)


  1. Data will come to the landing layer S3 bucket (grp2-landing/tui/legacy) and the Glue1 will be triggered automatically or manually.
  2. If there is a situation like there exists some issue regarding the data that the job which runs on the scheduled time couldn’t run and we must trigger it manually, then we can retrigger by lambda

c. We must put a file inside the S3 bucket folder (ft-ingest-{env}-use1-tui/intermediary/scripts) using gitlab pipeline (separate stage is created), and that file triggers the lambda service based on put event.

d. The file for this S3 prefix could be inserted into the folder by utilizing the GitLab Pipeline to trigger a lambda function, subsequently leading to the triggering of the Glue job.

e. Following an incomplete or unsuccessful procedure, cleanup was conducted using a cleanup lambda service. The file required to execute that lambda script was also placed into the scripts folder via the GitLab pipeline.

f. The cleanup lambda was responsible for removing unprocessed files or files containing any issues.

g. Upon completion, the formatted parquet files were stored in the Legacy Layer bucket.

  • Raw Layer:

Services Used: S3 bucket (grp2-raw/legacy), Lambda (tui-glue2trigger-support-{env})


  1. After the completion of Glue Job 1, files were copied to the legacy folder of the grp2 S3 bucket under the respective prefixes.
  2. Subsequently, a lambda service, utilizing scripts stored in the scripts bucket, initiated Glue Job 2(When failed manually using gitlab pipeline). The status of this service was recorded in CloudWatch.
  3. CloudWatch, upon detecting the completion of Glue Job 2, triggered another lambda function tasked with deleting the previously used prefix files, as handled by lambda (tui-cleanprefix-lambda-{env}).
  4. Similarly, CloudWatch initiated another lambda function in the Conformed layer upon the conclusion of Glue Job 2.

3.1.3. Conformed Layer:

Services Used: S3 bucket (grp2-confirmed-tui/legacy and confirmed), Lambda (tui-glue2trigger-support-{env})


  1. The files were now required to be categorized as Legacy and Secured, necessitating separate buckets with corresponding named folders.
  2. A lambda function (tui-glue-optimization-job-support-trigger-lambda-{env}) (Support lambda is used for manual trigger with a trigger file using gitlab pipeline) was responsible for triggering Glue Job 3. During this process, files were placed into the designated buckets based on whether they were classified as Legacy or Secured.

3.1.4. Job of Common Tools/Services:

  1. As common tools/services across all three steps, we rely on AWS CloudWatch, Amazon EventBridge, and SNS.
  2. AWS CloudWatch is utilized to maintain logs of the Glue services, monitoring their functionality and detecting any issues.
  3. EventBridge plays a crucial role in orchestrating the states of each Glue job and determining when to trigger specific services. This is achieved through the background execution of lambda functions.
  4. The lambda function (tui-etl-successfailevent-sns-{env}) is responsible for verifying whether the Glue job has been completed successfully. Upon successful completion, SNS is utilized to send notifications to the respective email addresses. Conversely, if the Glue job encounters any issues or failures, a ticket regarding the issue is automatically raised for further investigation and resolution.

Use Case 2: Data Migration from IBM DB2 To Amazon Redshift:

This document details the successful migration of the data from [Source System Name, e.g., IBM DB2] to Amazon Redshift, a cloud-based data warehouse service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). We leveraged AWS Snowball for efficient data transfer, Amazon S3 for scalable storage, and AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) to automate schema conversion and data loading into Redshift. We also explored the potential use of AWS Glue jobs for additional data processing needs.

Benefits of Using AWS for Data Migration:

  • Cost-effective: AWS Snowball is the most effective solution for transferring large datasets compared to traditional internet uploads.
  • Scalable: AWS services are scalable, allowing you to add more storage or processing power as the data warehouse grows.
  • Secure: AWS offers a secure infrastructure for data transfer and storage.
  • Simplified Data Loading: AWS SCT simplifies schema conversion and automates data loading tasks into Redshift.

High-Level Overview:

The data migration process involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation
  • We Analyzed source system schema i.e. IBM DB2 and designed target schema for Redshift.
  • We Ensured AWS account has permissions for Snowball, S3, SCT, Redshift, and Glue services.
  1. Data Extraction (Source System to Snowball)
  • The appropriate Snowball was chosen based on the network bandwidth and data processing needs.
  • The data in the IBM DB2 system was prepared for transfer.

2.1 Snowball Job and Data Extraction Agent Setup

  • We Created a Snowball job and unlocked the device using the AWS Snowball console and commands.
  • Then we Configured an AWS SCT project and installed/configured the data extraction agent on a dedicated machine.
  • Then we Imported the Snowball job details and registered the data extraction agent within the AWS SCT project.

2.2 Data Transfer to Snowball

  • We securely transferred the data from IBM DB2 to the Snowball device using appropriate software or scripts provided by AWS, likely involving the registered data extraction agent.
  1. Data Staging (Snowball to S3)
  • The Snowball device acts like a secure portable hard drive. Now we filled it with our data on-site.
  • Once full, we shipped the Snowball back to AWS, where it automatically uploads your data to Amazon S3.
  1. Data Processing & Loading (S3 to Redshift)
  • AWS SCT was configured by specifying the source data format (extracted from Snowball), the target Redshift schema, and any data transformation rules required for compatibility between the source system and Redshift.
  • We evaluated the use of AWS Glue jobs for data transformations. While SCT handled the core functionality in this migration, Glue jobs can be a valuable tool for future data processing needs within the data warehouse architecture.
  • SCT performed schema conversion and orchestrated the loading process from the S3 bucket to the Amazon Redshift data warehouse.
  1. Validation
  • After data loading was complete, we performed data presence validation in Redshift.
  • And lastly, we have tested the functionality and performance of the Redshift data warehouse.

Use case 3: GenAI Implementation to Generate MCQs from given documents:

Crafting questions that target specific difficulty levels, even for domain experts, can be incredibly challenging. This project tackles that very problem, proposing a novel solution powered by GenAI. Instead of relying on manual effort, GenAI automatically generates questions along with their corresponding correct answers, streamlining the evaluation process. This not only saves valuable time and resources but also ensures consistency and objectivity in difficulty assessment. In simpler terms, GenAI takes the burden of question creation off your shoulders, while simultaneously guaranteeing precise difficulty control, offering a significant leap forward in educational assessment and knowledge evaluation. This setup for the client was done and it is running on their local setup.

Foundational Model: Gemini-Pro by Google

Libraries Used: Langchain, PyPDF2, etc. (for os and system level configuration)


  • Effortless Efficiency: Save countless hours by automating question generation and evaluation, allowing you to focus on deeper analysis and improvement.
  • Precise Difficulty Control: Tailor assessment challenges to your exact needs, whether it’s a rigorous final exam or a supportive mid-term assessment.
  • Seamless Curriculum Alignment: Ensure questions perfectly match your learning objectives by leveraging your organization’s preferred materials, not generic online sources.
  • Time-Saving Benefits: Dedicate less time to creating questions and more to providing valuable feedback and support to your students.
  • Improved Assessment Process: Gain control over difficulty levels, align with curriculum standards, and streamline evaluation for a more effective learning experience.


  1. Advanced Features on the Horizon: Stay ahead of the curve with ongoing process development. Soon, GenAI will support MathJax and OCR, enabling even more advanced question formats and enhanced capabilities.
  2. Streamlined Assessment Process: Gain comprehensive control over difficulty levels, ensure curriculum alignment, and streamline the entire evaluation process for a more effective and efficient learning experience for all.
  3. GenAI is a continuously evolving solution, poised to revolutionize assessment. With its focus on efficiency, accuracy, and customization, GenAI empowers educators to create assessments that truly reflect their curriculum and challenge students at the right level.


Here are the model questions with answer


Apart from these setup use cases we have achieved success in several other use cases like,

  1. Automated ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) processing using native data ware housing and pipeline services using Native AWS services.
  2. We have availed our clients with GenAI based services from AWS using the bedrock and other providers like Google Vertex AI, OpenAI.
  3. We have helped customers to lift and shift their operations and data over cloud to AWS.
  4. We have successfully migrated the ETL pipeline from on premises to AWS for the humongous amount of data.

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